KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD has a total of 44 property agents in Singapore.

Last updated on 23rd February 2025, 12:00 AM

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Input your real estate salesperson's name or registration number to search whether he is registered with the Council for Estate Agencies (CEA).
It is an offence for someone to impersonate as a property agent. Please bear in mind that property agents are not allowed to handle cash.

List of Registered Property Agents in KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD

Name of Property Agent Registration
Estate Agency Estate Agent
License Number
Start Date
End Date
ALICE TAN PEH HUA R055867F KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2020-08-07 2025-12-31
CHAN JOY (JOY) R012748I KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2025-01-01 2025-12-31
CHAY LIDA, MELVIN (Melvin Chay) R044060H KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2025-01-01 2025-12-31
CHEN YIWEN, YVONNE (YVONNE CHEN) R003045J KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2019-09-22 2025-12-31
CHIA MEIN MEIN R001326B KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2022-01-31 2025-12-31
CHIA YEE LING (ELAINE CHIA) R006172J KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2022-08-27 2025-12-31
CHONG HUEY JY R067739G KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2023-06-14 2025-12-31
CHONG QI HUI R052080F KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2021-10-01 2025-12-31
CHUA YING SHEAN (Shean Chua) R056323H KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2024-08-08 2025-12-31
CLARICE LAU WEI SZE (Clarice Lau) R058170H KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2022-06-22 2025-12-31
DAYNA ANG HUI SHAN R062367B KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2025-02-20 2025-12-31
ETHAN JAY HSU R055865Z KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2020-03-31 2025-12-31
EVELYN CHEN PO LING (Evelyn Chen ) R041092Z KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2023-10-04 2025-12-31
FOO LING XUAN, DORCAS R066844H KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2022-09-06 2025-12-31
HAN HUI YING (Hui Ying) R065749D KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2024-07-05 2025-12-31
JEREMY WONG JIALE R060051F KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2025-02-20 2025-12-31
KAREN TAN HUI PENG (KAREN) R004773F KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2016-03-31 2025-12-31
KER YING YING (Karen) R065313Z KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2022-01-14 2025-12-31
KHOO HONG YAN (ELOISE KHOO) R043379B KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2021-10-26 2025-12-31
LEE MIN CI, NICOLE (NICOLE LEE) R067147F KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2023-09-22 2025-12-31
LEE SIEW PENG (SHARON) R027845B KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2011-01-01 2025-12-31
LI MINWEN (Christine Li) R068331A KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2023-05-10 2025-12-31
LIM WEN QI (GWEN LIM) R027862B KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2011-01-01 2025-12-31
LOCK SAU LAI R002919C KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2019-01-22 2025-12-31
LORRAINE CHEW LUO LIN R069382E KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2024-01-01 2025-12-31
ONG YANQING, TANIA R058703Z KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2023-02-05 2025-12-31
OU LULU R070241Z KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2024-04-26 2025-12-31
PAN YAN R070759A KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2024-07-17 2025-12-31
RAYER TAN WEI JIE (Rayer Tan) R063948Z KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2021-07-01 2025-12-31
SAI TOK GUEK (MARY) R027878I KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2011-01-01 2025-12-31
TAN ENG SENG R063950A KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2021-07-01 2025-12-31
TAN KIM YANG (TRICIA TAN) R021904I KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2015-02-24 2025-12-31
TAN MEI LIAN EILEEN R061196H KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2023-05-05 2025-12-31
TAN WEI RENG, GALVEN (GALVEN TAN) R003901F KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2024-01-25 2025-12-31
TENG JENN CHYOU (ALVIN) R002950I KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2016-02-18 2025-12-31
TEO ZHENING, LEANNE R061660I KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2024-10-04 2025-12-31
WANG ZHEN (Vera Wang) R070855H KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2024-09-11 2025-12-31
XIONG GUOXIN R064452I KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2021-11-03 2025-12-31
YANG WEIYUAN, JUNE R057814F KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2022-04-23 2025-12-31
YAP SOON LEE (SIMON) R050675G KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2024-09-27 2025-12-31
YEO ENG CHING DANNY R027838Z KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2011-01-01 2025-12-31
YEO KUAN HWEE CALVIN R002952E KNIGHT FRANK PTE LTD L3005536J 2016-03-24 2025-12-31

Frequently Asked Questions on Property Agent Transaction

What is an estate agency?
A business in the form of sole proprietors, partnerships or companies which perform estate agency work. Estate agents are commonly known as property agencies. For example, ERA Realty Network Pte Ltd.

What is a salesperson?
Salespersons are commonly known as property agents who perform estate agency work. They will meet clients, financial and timeline planning, conduct house viewings, negotiate on price and terms etc.

Why do you list all the Singapore property agents?
It allows our users to make an informed decision when choosing a salesperson or estate agent. Through the public register, you can check whether an individual is a registered salesperson or whether an entity is a licensed estate agent.

Can you recommend a good property agent to help me sell my house?
Yes, we partner with a selected few experience and friendly realtors whom are proficient in residential properties including HDB, private condominium and landed properties. Contact us for more details.

I want to buy a new launch project but I do not know which one is good and suitable for me?
Talk to our affiliated knowledgeable realtors whom specialise in new launches. They will tell you what to lookout for and not all projects are a good fit. Contact us for more details.

Read also: Property Agents Commission