Marine Parade Ctrl HDB Resale Flat Transactions

Search our database for Singapore public housing property transactions for the HDB resale flat prices in the past 15 years. You can filter the results by the HDB town or street name and the type of flat.

The data is based on registered HDB resale applications. It acts as a guideline on potential cash over valuation (COV) for the HDB buyers.

The resale flat data was last updated on 12th March 2025, 11:00 AM.


Street Name

Flat Type

Marine Parade Ctrl HDB Resale Price

Month Town Block Street Name Flat Type Flat Model Storey Range Floor Area Resale Price Lease Start RemainingLease
November 2022 MARINE PARADE 81 MARINE PARADE CTRL 3 ROOM Improved 01 TO 03 66 m2 $378,000 1978 54 years
December 2012 MARINE PARADE 80 MARINE PARADE CTRL 3 ROOM Improved 01 TO 03 66 m2 $388,000 1978
July 2009 MARINE PARADE 80 MARINE PARADE CTRL 3 ROOM Improved 01 TO 03 66 m2 $300,000 1978

See also: Marine Parade Ctrl HDB Rental Price