Woodlands Bizhub Property Transactions

Search our database for Singapore JTC industrial transactions with caveats lodged at the Singapore Land Authority (SLA) in the past 15 years.

Since the lodgement of caveats is voluntary, our database may not include details of industrial properties for which caveats are not lodged. For the sale of warehouse or single user factory, the area and transacted price are based on its land size.

Purchase of an industrial property will not be subjected to Additional Buyer Stamp Duty (ABSD). Most industrial properties have a tenure of 30 or 60 years. It is rare to find a freehold industrial property in Singapore.

The transacted price data was last updated on 25th January 2025, 12:00 AM.

Industrial Building


Planning Area

Woodlands Bizhub Transacted Price with Caveats

WOODLANDS BIZHUB is a 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 industrial property at Woodlands Industrial Park E5 of District 27 in Singapore.

Contract Date Industrial Building Location Property Type Type Of Area Area (sqft) PSF (S$) Price (S$) Tenure Floor Level Type of Sale Region Planning Area District Postal Sector
19/12/2024 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 566 530,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North Woodlands 27 75
21/11/2024 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 8,094 513 4,150,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - Resale North Woodlands 27 75
19/09/2024 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,399 459 642,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North Woodlands 27 75
03/09/2024 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,399 472 660,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North Woodlands 27 75
13/08/2024 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,206 445 536,670 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North Woodlands 27 75
25/04/2024 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 518 485,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North Woodlands 27 75
14/03/2024 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 446 418,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North Woodlands 27 75
31/01/2024 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 8,138 498 4,050,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - Resale North Woodlands 27 75
13/12/2023 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,092 620 3,780,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - Resale North Woodlands 27 75
06/10/2023 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 8,094 494 4,000,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - Resale North Woodlands 27 75
18/07/2023 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 435 407,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North Woodlands 27 75
21/06/2023 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,927 373 718,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North Woodlands 27 75
25/04/2023 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,959 373 730,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North Woodlands 27 75
21/04/2023 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,389 400 555,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North Woodlands 27 75
09/03/2023 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,927 358 688,888 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North Woodlands 27 75
01/02/2023 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 926 454 420,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North Woodlands 27 75
14/11/2022 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 8,138 442 3,600,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - Resale North Woodlands 27 75
19/09/2022 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,206 392 472,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North Woodlands 27 75
19/09/2022 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,206 392 472,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
19/07/2022 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,959 305 598,130 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
10/06/2022 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 915 443 405,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
04/04/2022 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 457 428,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
04/03/2022 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 8,138 437 3,553,888 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
10/01/2022 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 8,094 442 3,580,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
07/01/2022 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,534 471 3,080,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
11/11/2021 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,389 324 450,500 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
10/11/2021 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,604 374 600,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
28/10/2021 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,894 335 635,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
12/10/2021 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,927 340 655,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
04/10/2021 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,604 410 658,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
24/09/2021 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 8,127 394 3,200,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
16/08/2021 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,399 338 473,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
11/08/2021 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,399 357 500,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
02/08/2021 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,389 323 448,888 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
15/04/2021 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,593 325 517,725 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
15/04/2021 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,894 325 615,875 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
22/02/2021 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,464 311 455,888 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
25/01/2021 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 8,094 358 2,900,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
11/01/2021 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 883 357 315,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
30/12/2020 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,604 310 497,240 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
28/12/2020 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 406 380,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
24/09/2020 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,092 433 2,638,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
23/09/2020 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 8,138 377 3,066,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
22/06/2020 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,593 326 520,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
23/04/2020 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Single-User Factory Strata 6,092 430 2,620,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
20/12/2019 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 349 327,102 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
05/09/2019 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 926 342 316,500 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
27/05/2019 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,927 343 660,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
23/04/2019 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,206 316 380,888 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
17/04/2019 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 915 342 313,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
18/12/2018 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,399 336 470,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
08/11/2018 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,399 343 480,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
07/06/2018 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 7,136 420 3,000,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
31/05/2018 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,534 459 3,000,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
10/05/2018 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 3,057 311 950,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
29/01/2018 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 7,136 434 3,100,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
28/12/2017 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 374 350,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
02/08/2017 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,206 355 428,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
30/06/2017 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,464 383 560,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
07/06/2017 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,060 449 2,720,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
05/05/2017 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 336 315,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
12/12/2016 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 406 380,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
18/10/2016 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 3,068 308 943,888 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
03/08/2016 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,103 483 2,950,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
10/05/2016 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,389 346 480,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
01/04/2016 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,927 317 611,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
31/03/2016 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,092 484 2,950,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
28/07/2015 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 926 405 375,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
02/06/2015 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,894 370 700,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
26/05/2015 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 8,138 446 3,630,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
12/01/2015 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,604 415 665,660 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
16/10/2014 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,894 372 705,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
24/09/2014 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 915 350 320,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
19/08/2014 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 7,147 420 3,000,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
06/06/2014 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,060 495 3,000,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
30/05/2014 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,399 332 465,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
12/05/2014 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,103 472 2,880,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
08/04/2014 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 427 400,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
07/10/2013 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,206 398 480,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
22/07/2013 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 915 470 430,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
16/04/2013 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 8,094 420 3,400,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
11/04/2013 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 7,513 479 3,600,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
05/04/2013 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,894 380 719,894 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
29/01/2013 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 393 368,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
08/01/2013 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,959 355 695,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
28/12/2012 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 883 499 440,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
27/12/2012 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 478 448,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
07/11/2012 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,103 488 2,980,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
25/10/2012 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 422 395,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
05/10/2012 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 883 453 400,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
28/09/2012 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,894 380 720,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
05/09/2012 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,092 414 2,520,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
10/08/2012 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 926 438 405,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
31/07/2012 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,464 383 560,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
25/06/2012 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 926 445 411,950 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
20/06/2012 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,894 285 540,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
14/06/2012 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,464 342 500,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
22/05/2012 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,959 311 610,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
22/05/2012 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,894 314 595,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
18/05/2012 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,593 295 470,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
02/05/2012 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,389 367 510,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
16/04/2012 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 883 329 290,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
02/04/2012 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,593 295 470,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
29/03/2012 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,927 291 561,500 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
14/03/2012 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 883 397 350,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
02/03/2012 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 8,138 338 2,750,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
21/02/2012 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,389 320 443,800 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
21/02/2012 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,103 405 2,470,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
09/02/2012 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,927 255 491,385 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
19/01/2012 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 926 384 355,240 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
22/12/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,894 290 550,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
20/12/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,206 367 442,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
01/12/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 3,057 285 870,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
29/11/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,959 260 510,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
25/11/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,399 309 433,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
17/11/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 8,127 295 2,400,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
14/11/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 330 308,880 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
11/11/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 343 321,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
11/11/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,604 335 538,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
10/11/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,534 372 2,430,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
25/10/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,389 310 430,590 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
25/10/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,389 300 416,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
20/10/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 915 358 328,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
14/10/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,399 310 433,690 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
13/10/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 340 318,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
11/10/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,894 270 511,380 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
11/10/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 883 383 338,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Subsale North WOODLANDS 27 75
03/10/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 327 306,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
20/09/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,464 304 445,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
19/09/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,604 272 436,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
07/09/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 333 312,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Subsale North WOODLANDS 27 75
25/08/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,593 314 500,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Subsale North WOODLANDS 27 75
19/08/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 926 325 300,950 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Subsale North WOODLANDS 27 75
16/08/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 883 332 292,891 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Subsale North WOODLANDS 27 75
15/08/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,206 363 438,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
03/08/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 326 305,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
03/08/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,593 257 410,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Subsale North WOODLANDS 27 75
28/07/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 329 308,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Subsale North WOODLANDS 27 75
22/07/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 340 318,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
21/07/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,103 344 2,100,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - Subsale North WOODLANDS 27 75
20/07/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,464 297 435,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Subsale North WOODLANDS 27 75
19/07/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,206 332 400,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Subsale North WOODLANDS 27 75
20/06/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 926 335 310,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Subsale North WOODLANDS 27 75
15/06/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 7,147 280 2,000,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - Subsale North WOODLANDS 27 75
13/06/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,060 297 1,800,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - Subsale North WOODLANDS 27 75
08/06/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 293 274,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
06/06/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 883 295 260,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
02/06/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 8,127 244 1,980,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - Subsale North WOODLANDS 27 75
01/06/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 915 317 290,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
31/05/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 294 275,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Subsale North WOODLANDS 27 75
25/05/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 7,136 259 1,850,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
24/05/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 915 273 250,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Subsale North WOODLANDS 27 75
18/05/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,092 295 1,800,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - Resale North WOODLANDS 27 75
05/05/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 4,618 272 1,256,600 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
20/04/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 926 297 275,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor Subsale North WOODLANDS 27 75
19/04/2011 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 310 290,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
20/08/2010 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,206 164 198,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor Subsale North WOODLANDS 27 75
10/08/2010 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,092 213 1,300,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - Subsale North WOODLANDS 27 75
27/10/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,894 150 285,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
20/10/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,959 173 338,907 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
13/10/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,927 152 293,664 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
01/10/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,389 181 251,172 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
17/09/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,464 165 241,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
15/09/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,604 174 279,096 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
15/09/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,399 172 240,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
11/09/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,206 180 217,080 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
03/09/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,959 160 313,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
03/09/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,593 171 273,184 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
02/09/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,959 163 319,166 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
31/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,389 190 264,290 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
31/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,464 176 257,664 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
28/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,894 165 312,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
28/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,894 163 308,500 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
27/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,399 172 240,120 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
27/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 3,068 181 555,201 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
27/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,389 172 238,407 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
27/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 3,165 183 580,185 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
26/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,399 174 244,000 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
26/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,927 167 322,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
26/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,894 163 309,396 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
26/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,399 170 237,360 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
26/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,593 170 270,066 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
24/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,894 160 304,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
24/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 171 160,243 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
24/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,927 158 304,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
19/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,593 168 267,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
18/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,593 171 272,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
18/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,399 173 242,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
17/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,894 155 294,500 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
13/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,389 166 231,120 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
12/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 3,165 186 588,500 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
11/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,206 176 211,860 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
11/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,206 166 199,548 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
11/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 7,513 399 2,996,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
11/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,206 168 202,032 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
07/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,399 152 212,446 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
06/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 915 189 173,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
06/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 915 179 163,500 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
06/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,399 180 251,450 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
06/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 183 171,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
06/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,389 182 252,520 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
06/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 915 187 171,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
06/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 180 168,580 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
05/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 3,165 151 476,393 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
05/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 186 174,410 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
04/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 926 156 144,480 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
04/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 926 166 153,500 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
04/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 883 161 142,261 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
04/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 926 166 154,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
04/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,399 164 230,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
04/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 915 161 147,466 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
04/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 156 146,160 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
04/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 7,136 195 1,389,930 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
03/08/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 169 158,590 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
31/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,399 156 218,372 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
31/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 883 183 161,220 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
30/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,862 166 308,489 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
30/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,092 161 980,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
30/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,593 154 245,226 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
30/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 181 169,556 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
30/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,464 164 240,330 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
30/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 915 188 172,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
30/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,927 162 312,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
30/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 204 190,973 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
29/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,959 149 291,519 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
29/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,808 180 326,202 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
29/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,206 191 230,349 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
29/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,399 177 247,480 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
29/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 160 149,760 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
28/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,103 168 1,027,200 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
28/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 8,127 128 1,037,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
28/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 182 170,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
27/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 166 155,136 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
27/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,604 169 270,710 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
27/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 8,138 145 1,177,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
27/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 191 178,471 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
27/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,894 141 266,536 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
27/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 915 171 156,523 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
24/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 8,094 144 1,168,753 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
24/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,927 150 288,664 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
23/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,103 156 950,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
23/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 163 152,568 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
23/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 3,165 171 541,880 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
23/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 883 194 171,200 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
23/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 926 167 154,890 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
22/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 1,604 173 278,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
22/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 3,068 161 492,414 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
21/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 883 181 160,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
21/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,092 156 951,340 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
21/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,103 156 951,340 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
20/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,103 161 980,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
20/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,103 165 1,009,414 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
20/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,103 166 1,011,150 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
20/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 191 178,476 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
20/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,092 161 980,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
20/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,092 169 1,027,200 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
20/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 3,068 170 520,397 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
17/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,534 160 1,043,180 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
16/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,534 169 1,102,635 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
15/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,103 172 1,048,600 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
14/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,071 167 1,016,500 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
14/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 936 182 170,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
14/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 7,136 157 1,116,866 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
14/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 3,057 184 562,454 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
14/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,092 167 1,016,500 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
13/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,071 156 946,642 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
13/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,071 168 1,021,850 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
10/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 8,094 135 1,095,650 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
10/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 6,060 168 1,016,500 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
10/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 7,147 156 1,116,866 57 yrs from 09/04/2011 - New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
06/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 926 171 158,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 Non-First Floor New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75
03/07/2009 WOODLANDS BIZHUB WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5 Multiple-User Factory Strata 7,147 144 1,028,000 60 yrs from 21/10/2008 - New Sale North WOODLANDS 27 75